WE Create your image

CGI Productions Services

Creation of 3D models and assets , Rendering and Animation , VFX and Motion Graphics
Visit your Scanned Real Estate using our virtual Reality Feature included with your 3D Tour service.
Beautiful compelling visuals, with a clear structure, help your audiences to understand and remember your content.

WE ENHANCE YOur Business

Business Consultation Services

Every business needs a plan, a strategy that defines your vision, your goals and how you are going to reach them. Whether you are a new business owner or already have a small business, a simple business strategy can take your business to the next level.

We Will Help you to :

  • Clarify your Vision.
  • Explore the right business model for your business.
  • Brainstorm on new products and services.
  • Scope out the competition.
  • Set your revenue and expense model.
  • Craft long-term and short-term goals.
  • Find more efficient ways to run your office.
  • Determine which staff or subcontractors to hire.
  • Design your brand.

What We Provide .

We will help you to determine whether your business idea is a viable option.

  • Building a business model, defining a target market, operation strategy and tactics, Marketing and sales plan, Management & HR structure, and a financial plan.

We Help you to assess the target market and consumer interest before launching Your product or service

  • Insightful reports, Facts & Figures, Market size & market trends, Forecast growth opportunities, identify market segmentation & consumer needs, product differentiation.

Flag the competitors In your market and devise a way To compete against them.

  • SWOT Analysis, Porter’s 5-Forces analysis, PEST(LE) analysis, Ansoff Matrix Analysis, ERRC Grid & Mckinsey 7 “s” model.

Forecast future revenues and expenses for your business.

  • Sales forecast, cost of sales, Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, financial requirements & performance indicators.

Promote your product or service through different media, including television, radio, print, and online platforms.

  • Determining if there is a paying market for your products and services.
  • Crafting long-term and short-term marketing goals.
  • Defining marketing campaigns.
  • Creating marketing strategies.
  • Selecting powerful marketing techniques that showcase your products and services.
  • Choosing a brand and image that reflects the real YOU.
  • Designing marketing materials.
  • Designing Internet marketing strategies.
  • Tracking marketing results to determine the strongest techniques.

Create uncontested market .

Blue Ocean Strategy Consulting

based on a decade-long study of more than 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years. systematic tools and frameworks that pursue differentiation and low cost. to break away from the competition  & make the competition irrelevant by reconstructing industry boundaries

Blue Ocean Shift

From assessing the current state of play in an industry, to exploring the six paths to new market space, to understanding how to convert noncustomers into customers. Blue Ocean Strategy provides a clear four-step process to create uncontested business strategy .

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We Build your visiual identity

Marketing , Branding and Identity Systems

Our branding, marketing, and identity system services are designed to help businesses establish a strong and consistent brand image. We believe that a well-crafted brand identity is essential for building trust, attracting customers, and differentiating a company from its competitors. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive strategy that covers all aspects of your brand, from its messaging and visual identity to its tone and style

Logo Design

We will be creating your logo, through various sample of the design, working closely with your good company to create new uplifting spirit for your brand .

Visual Identity

All additional graphic designs such as business cards, stationary, flyers, roll ups, signage and more.

Website Design and Development

Fresh new responsive design, to be fitted for all types of devices.

  • Designing wireframe and page mockup. Building the Content. Functional prototype. Search engine optimization (SEO)
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